Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Fifa pressed over Qatar World Cup workers' conditions

Qatar is getting ready to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup to become the first Middle-Eastern country to hold an event of such magnitude. According to the FIFA requirements, Qatar is to build from the foundations about 9 new football stadiums in the next few years. Criticism has come from different football federations due to the lack of sports infrastructure in the country and over all the hard weather conditions that Qatar holds during the summer (over 50C). However, the most striking fact is that Qatar is going to rely in migrant labor force to accomplish their objectives. This has brought over the attention of some well-known trade union activist groups such as the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), that demand from a better treatment of the workers that according to the ITUC survey, endured “inhuman” conditions.

FIFA (International Federation of Association Football), as one the most powerful international organizations in the world, following closely important political organizations such as the EU, has the moral duty to improve the life of those related to the world of sports. Now, ITUC claims FIFA to put some pressure on Qatar to improve the conditions of the workers or move the tournament instead. This is not the first time that the FIFA has been urged to intervene in cases related to human rights violation and football, especially related to child labor, but it does seem like a legitimate claim to an organization that holds one of the biggest budgets in the world, careless of financial crisis. Some would say that FIFA is not there to take care of other organization’s businesses; that they should only work on what they were meant to work. However, this organization has the gift to bring welfare and social changes easier than any other political institution through sports, isn’t it the time for them to make a difference? After all, football business is not going to run out, not even slightly.   

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  1. First of all, I do not understand why Qatar has been elected to host the 2022 Football World Cup, especially with its hazardous weather conditions during the summer and with its lack of infraestructure, as you mentioned. Moreover, Qatar is not being responsible in achieving its objectives.

    I agree that FIFA is very powerful and has succeeded in bringing cooperation and respect for human rights in many regions. I believe that FIFA is in fact able and should intervene in this situation to make Qatar abide by the norms. However, our expectations sometimes are higher than reality.


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