Wednesday, November 23, 2011

EasyJet eyes Copenhagen as base

Government keen to attract airline's investment but easyJet says there is no guarantee of starting Copenhagen base

As Thomas Haagensen, easy Jet’s regional general manager of northern Europe, told Politiken newspaper reports, the airline company easy Jet is considering Copenhagen Airport as an established base from which to expand its operations. Easy Jet flies one million passengers in and out of Copenhagen every year, which makes its airport one of the most frequented by the company. And so, in order to growth and expansion, Copenhagen has clearly a good potential. After a meeting with the representatives of easy Jet in London, Pia Olsen Dhyr, trade and investment minister, announced that the airline was considering Denmark as a larger base for their planes as Copenhagen is achieving an annual growth in passenger numbers of almost 20 percent, being, by far, one of the most successful destinations. This project would not only beneficiate the airline, with its expansion and growth, but it will create more than 100 jobs if Copenhagen airport allows easy Jet to park some of their planes overnight. And, moreover, the Danish government is willing to negotiate and get things happen as soon as possible if a security for the investment is involved. However, the airline has also announced that the decision is not yet definitive, as they are also considering other airports such as the Lisbon airport. Danish government is keen to attract airline’s investments even if there is no guarantee that easy Jet starts a Copenhagen base for their flights.

I don’t know whether this is a good idea or not because I cannot see at what point it would benefit the airline. Easy Jet has flights that go all over Europe at very cheap prices, and it has recently settled Lisbon, Portugal, as one of the busiest destinations, with almost six flights a day only from Copenhagen. In my opinion, the only positive aspect of considering Copenhagen airport as easy Jet’s airplanes base for overnight parking is that it will create more than 100 jobs in one night.

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