Most people would answer that the war in Iraq is, most certainty, over, as that is what the media told us. This is what happened to soldier Christopher Corder when he told people he was in Iraq. The most common response was to confuse Iraq with Afghanistan or to argue that his job in Iraq was useless as war in Iraq is over. Unfortunately, Iraqis have not notice the end of the war yet. The situation remains the same, with troops in their streets, rockets and fear.
How can a war be over when attacks keep taking place in their streets and people keep dying? The possible misunderstanding arises when mentioning the transition between Operation Iraqi freedom to Operation New Dawn. When this took place people could not help to celebrate and assumed that war in Iraq was over and soldiers were ready to go home. Unfortunately, this was not the case. War still remains in Iraq, and the frustration suffered by those soldiers is understandable. It is difficult to keep fighting if people assume that, just like that, from one day to another the war ended.
What really shocked me about this article is what the writers battalion commander told his troops before they left Iraq : “You have seen the worst that humanity can do to each other and you will want to talk to somebody about it. Unfortunately, no one back home will care. The only person who will care is the teammate to your right and left who was there with you when it happened.” This shows the ugly truth: people do not care anymore about Iraq; they have more important things to think about, such as the release of the new Iphone or the situation in Palestine. Sadly the Iraq war has become the forgotten war and nobody seems to remember all the suffering that has been going on in this country and all the people who has died and keep on dying due to the war.
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