Monday, October 17, 2011

"Occupy" Switzerland

The "Occupy Wall Street" movement, that started a month ago in New York has gone global, reaching some of the most important cities of the world. Switzerland has not been an exception. This Saturday, October 15th, the movement reached Zurich´s Paradeplatz, where up to 1.000 Swiss demonstrators took a stand against the bankers and the financial institutions. The protest, along with all the other events that were taking place worldwide, aimed to criticize the growing economic disparity and inequalities that exist among the society - the ultimate critique against corporate power.

Many have blamed the movement for being leaderless, as well as for its poor organization and lack of a clear agenda or focus. Despite all those critics, I believe it is a great example of civil society in action - an example of how people can get together and raise their concerns and discontent about the economic system, and how it is directly affecting their lives. A movement to show dissatisfaction. We are witnessing a moment of unpredecedented social consciousness. It is one of the very few ocasions in which people from every corner of the world have come together to join a common concern. Only time will tell if this concern turns into real action.



  1. What one might not realise on a day to day basis is that economic institutions are global. Therefore, whilst Switzerland is not a huge global protestor and in most cases tends to remain neutral on global concerns, the world´s attention would have been called when finally, Switzerland was made a stand demonstrating that the economic situation cannot be ignored.

    It has been Western global corporations that have imposed their capitalist views on the rest of the world for centuries now, yet it is those very same business and state leaders that have lead us into such an economic situation. It is therefore not surprising that even those pacifist of countries, like Switzerland, are calling for change.

  2. This piece of news is definitely interesting, specially if we take into account, as Paula said, how important it is internationally. It is something that has been happening for the last months all round the world with other demonstrations/uprisings such as the Arab Spring or the 15M Movement in Spain. The difference is that this time everyone has "ganged up" against a common idea - corporate power - and by having a common aim it makes it more powerful. We will have to wait and see what ends up occurring, but it is definitely something that is going to be put down in history.

  3. The individuals raise and demonstrate all around the globe, that is not surprising at all. Due to the current situation, which has been present in the international news for a very long and exhausting time now, it is obvious that the global community, and more especifically the individuals and the NGOs go out to the streets, packing them with complaints, demands and explanations. They request a radical change in the world order, they blame an hegemonic system that has been dominant since the ending of the Cold War, and above all they claim for better times to come. Unfortunately for them, changes take time, and they are fed up of waiting.


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