Sunday, September 25, 2011

Are we there yet? Philippines on the road to end corruption

Current Filipino president Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino’s III government seems to have gained international trust during his first year in power. In addition, this newly credited position has been strengthened due to the Philippines’ leading role in the establishment of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) launched on the 20th of September this year, an initiative to which Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Norway, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States are also a part of. Mr. Aquino argues that this increase in credit has been possible thanks to the exercise of good governance and the fact that his presidency is fighting to regain Filipinos faith by endorsing a more transparent and honest administration. Both Barack Obama and Dilma Rouseff, United States and Brazilian Presidents respectively, invited Aquino to be part of this brand-new initiative.

As I see it, the Filipino government seems to have improved with Aquino’s presidency over the last year. However, not long ago, the Philippines were considered one of the most corrupted governments in Southeast Asia. Previous administrations have been plagued with considerable scandals, such as the ‘Hello Garci’ scandal of 2005, during Gloria Macapagal Arroyo’s presidency, and other practices such as ‘populism’ and ‘clientelism’, also exercised by other administrations prior to Arroyo’s. Aquino, son of the murdered “Nonoy” Aquino and former Filipino president “Cory” Aquino, also known as being the leader of the People’s Power Revolution in 1968 (EDSA) which finished with Ferdinand Marcos’ dictatorship and established democracy in the country, was elected last year with a very small margin of votes. In fact, his candidacy to the 2010 elections was tainted with the sudden – and fortuitous – death of his mother, and he took a clear lead in the surveys to win the polls. 

In spite of years of corrupted political narrative, in which no Philippine presidency, even Corazon Aquino’s, was free of corruption, it appears that Aquino “the reformist” has proven to be different to his predecessors although further outcomes of his administration are yet to be seen.

1 comment:

  1. I find it is really interesting the fact that he said that he would try to fight corruption and he seems to be doing it...There is not a lot of politicians nowadays that decide to take such a stand, that it's so needed specially in times of a global economic crisis. We still have to see if he is really doing what he claims to be doing...but even if he is not fully doing it, i think it is such a noticeable step not only for The Philippines but also for the rest of the world.


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